Weekend :D

Hey guys its ampy aka bunnie here (: Sooo its 10/5/2012 and i have a 4 day weekend! i have off today saturday sunday and monday. So i will be on xat ALOT c: Soo if u wanted to see me or chat i would probaly be at fantagezebra or sumwhere OuO
K baii c: Have a nice weekend!

some thingz about me!

lol heres some things about me xDDD! btw.. itz mai lori tytytytyt


Heyy its LORI!!! here xDDD so New contest!!! and... this blog is gnna be changed alot probably cuz its fall tyme!! xDDD so ders gnna be... GAMES!!
NEW MOUSE!!!     NEW EVREYTHING not evreything lol but yeahh xDD
anyways ampy ish mai new writer!!!! well u can call her sophie,amp,ampy lol she doesnt mind any of those 3 xPP so anywayz when u come plz hav fun listen to da music read do toher thingz chat wit ur friends stuff lol first read da rulez befor u start chatting plz!! ty tytytyty now bwyeee!!


Oki Swo Iwm ampy (new writer) andddd um i made this thang for languages :3 and so its like this:
A: %
B: $
C: #
D: @
G: !
H: ?
I: :
J: ;
K: '
L: "
M: {
N: }
O: ~
Q: <
R: >
S: /
T: |
U: -
V: +
W: _
X: &
Y: ,
Z: .
Soo my name would be nyke %{`, LMAO try ur own nwame c:


Hwi im Ampy the new writer!Thwankchu lori<3 Anywayss im goona talk abut my self :3
My fav color ish pink and my fav animals are owls and pandas. My sissy ish miyung and chloe.Anyways im 13 and thts me on da side ^w^ Anywayss Bwye Bwyeee
☮ Haiii dis ish for da Halloween partay!! xDD so me izzie and frost planned a AWESOMEST SCARYEST HALLOWEEN PARTY EVER!! so we wnt evreyone to cum heres da deeds den read it under mai so hav funnyzz!! PEACE ☮


hey guyz im bored so i wanted to make a post and we need WRITERS!!!!!! so if you are a mod,owner,main or a meber that knows how to write on blogs then fill free to ask us when were on u can ask lori,isabella or frost! so all you have to do is this!

1.Ask a main owner/creator of this blog
2.The creator will say yesif they do ask them what to do!
3. The creator will ask you for your yahoo,gmail
4. They will send you a request push YES!
5. When you do that it will bring you to the blog then ask one of us to make you a admin!
6. then you can make your own posts!
                                                                  Dont know how to make posts? LOOK UNDER
                                                                               1. click make a post
                                                                        2. Write whatever you want!
                                                                                3.push publich next to save but first make a title
                                                                         4. There you go!

PLEASE! FILL FREE TO ASK US TY!~lori,isabella,frost